Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 13: Beautiful run to the Cliff House

Today was a really relaxing Saturday. I got up at 8.30 am, the sun was shining, a beautiful day. I jumped in my workout clothes, grabbed my ipod and took off towards the Golden Gate Bridge. I love running the bridge and I run it quite often, but today I decided to run to the Cliff House along the Coastal trail. It is a a very scenic run, but there were quite a couple of hills that my legs were not willing to run today…but that’s ok, it was supposed to be my recovery day today, and running 6 miles on an “off-day” isn’t that bad, right? I wanted to run 8 miles but it just didn’t happen, the Lyon Street steps were still imprinted in my glutes…. So I ran 6 miles but also walked two more miles, so it’s all good. I ate a lot of fruit throughout the day, treated myself with a tall whole milk latte in the afternoon and a big bowl of salad for dinner. Yumm! I feel pretty fantastic!

13 days down, 29 to go!!! Unbelievable!

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