Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lyon Street Stairs craziness

I woke up this morning with a weird feeling in my throat/nose…feels like a cold creeping up. I really hope that I won’t get ill because the challenge is challenging enough as it is now…Fantastic, I swop chocolate and red wine for fruit, whole grains and vegetables and I get sick right away…haha!

I arrived at Basic Training 5.58 am, that’s still 2 minutes earlier than everyone else ;-) Today we did a “Lyon Street workout”. Jesus Christ! The Lyon street steps are hard enough to run on its own, but running up to the steps from the Palace of Fine Arts provided an extra challenge (=serious hill). As a consequence, I was already knocked out before the “real” workout started. Needless to say that I was still the slowest runner even though we were 16 people in class today. Oh well, I guess I have to get used to it during the next 6 weeks. And it’s not that I am not trying, I just CAN’T run faster (especially not uphill). So we got to the stairs finally (that was the warm up), we ran the lower set of stairs followed by some serious abs-exercises and upper-body workout. And push-ups. While my sweat was literally dropping down from my face onto the pavement, Michael (who is one of the instructors) asked me how I am feeling… At this point I could barely talk so I squeezed out an ironic “great”. The guy working out next to me started laughing and said “Hey Sue, you don’t have to lie!”. Very true! I indeed didn’t feel great at that point. Well, may be I’ll be more honest once I know the group a little better :) It definitely seems to be a nice and fun crowd (yes, they actually smile and crack jokes even when they are in pain…).We ran more stairs and more hills, did more abs, arms and more push ups. Honestly, for a while I thought I was in hell. I can’t remember when I sweat that much the last time… But, even though I was in pain for 60 minutes, I have to say that I feel AWESOME now and I am already looking forward to the next class! Surprisingly, I went for an easy 5k-jog after work - wasn't really planned but I really wanted to go for a run. Made good food choices today and drank water like a horse, so it's all good :) 2 days down, 40 days to go!

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