Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 39: "Running suicides" and many many "burpees"

Basic Training! Today, we worked out with Sandra. There were a couple of moments when I thought I’ll pass out…It was sooo hard! I am not sure if the workout was so much harder than the previous workouts or may be it felt that way because my batteries are empty…probably both! We ran to the old Crissy Field visitor center for our workout. In between all our workouts, we ran loops up the stairs to the presidio bus station and back to the visitor center. We did back rows, exercises for the triceps, “walking monkeys” and “walking alligators” (each monkey and alligator would be offended when they would see us trying to copy their walk…) and walking lunges. In addition, we did some really hard exercises for the gluts and abs, we held planks, and much more.

The hardest part was when we did “suicides” with 4 cones lined up – I kind of got used to them but this time we had to do 10 “burpees” in between each suicide sprint (if you don’t know what “burpees” are, check it on youtube…). That makes a total of 40… and right after that, she send us for another loop up to the bus station…I would have probably sneaked away if she wouldn’t have had my car key…It was really challenging and once again, my shirt was covered in sweat after we were done. No need to mention that even after 6 weeks, I am really having a hard time catching up with everyone, I have no idea how they do it…well I guess they improve from week to week as well, may be I won’t be the last person anymore in the next session with new people joining us ;-) The workout with Sandra was probably one of the hardest ones I have done yet (considering that there weren’t even hills involved!), we worked out every possible muscle group and got a good amount of cardio in. Did I mention that I feel great…?? Thanks Sandra, you really kicked my butt this morning!

Tomorrow morning I won’t be able to go to Basic Training and the next session won’t start before July 5th…I will miss it the next week! I will miss it a lot. And I am already looking forward to July 5th when the next session will start!

39 days down, 3 days to go!

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